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Siliphos Anti-scaling Water Filtration Media (5KG)

Siliphos Anti-scaling Water Filtration Media (5KG)


Siliphos Polyphosphate Anti Scale Filter Media Anti-Scale 
Polyphosphate also known as Siliphos is a water filter media that prevents the formation of detrimental scale in your pipes and conditions the water for drinking, showering, cooking, and other household uses. 


Siliphos anti scalant prevents the formation of scale and corrosion in pipe lines and on metal fixtures that come into contact with the water. 


HOW ANTI-SCALE POLYPHOSPHATE CRYSTALS PREVENT DEPOSITS AND LIMESCALE FROM FORMING. Siliphos favours precipitation of calcium carbonates and magnesium, blocking them from adhering to the walls of the pipes and protecting all sensitive elements, both in commercial and home uses (pipes, coils, sleeves, etc.). 


Siliphos antiscale are used in filter cartridge housings and with FRP filter pressure vessels for numerous water treatment applications from household to commercial water systems.

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